Hillary Clinton has been playing the woman card hard. Talking about how it would be all sunshine and rainbows for women if she wins. A lot of women and young girls in her television ads. One of her latest ads has nothing but young girls in it. She keeps saying Trump’s comments in the past. Would somehow have a negative effect on the future of women and young girls. I would disagree.
If Bill and Hillary Clinton got back into the White House. It would have a negative effect on the future of women and young girls. I negative effect that would last for many years. The respect that women have for themselves is important. The respect that men have for the women that are in a relationship is important. Bill and Hillary Clinton are bad examples of both. Domestic violence among teenage relationships is a big problem. A big problem that is not talked about enough. The CDC defines dating violence in many different was. It can be physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional violence within a dating relationship, including stalking. The Women Helping Women website says.
“ 1/3 of high school students have been or will be involved in an abusive relationship . Only 33% of teens who were in abusive relationships told anyone. 6 out of 10 rapes of young women occur in their own home or a friend or relative’s home, not in a dark alley. Nearly 1/4 of girls who have been in a relationship reported going further sexually than they wanted as a result of pressure. Dating Violence is the leading cause of injury to women. 58% of rape survivors report being raped between ages of 12–24. Approximately 68 % of young women know their rapist either as a boyfriend, friend or casual acquaintance. 50% of reported date rapes occur among teenagers. Females 16–24 are four times more likely than the general population to be victims of partner violence. About 40% of teenage girls ages 14–17 say they know someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend. ”
Some of the things above have to do with respect. The respect that women have for themselves . The respect woman think they deserve from the person they are in a relationship with. The respect that men have for the women that are in a relationship with. Hillary Clinton having a husband. Who has has multiple affairs over many years. Shows she does not demand respect form the person she is in a relationship with. Bill Clinton back in the White House. Tells young men that not having respect for the person you are in a relationship with is ok. That it’s not a big deal. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s actions. Their actions over and over again. Will have much more of a negative impact on the future of women. Much more that a few comments that Trump might have made.